Residential & Commercial Power Washing
Maintain the cleanliness of your cherished investment with PHD Exterior Cleaning’s professional, affordable, and detailed pressure washing services. Safely eliminating dirt, grime, and even spider webs, our expert team safeguards your property from costly repairs. Transforming exteriors to their best state, our services extend from outdoor walls to decks and patios. Don’t overlook the safety aspect – timely and careful pressure washing prevents hazards and permanent damage. Entrust us to deliver a thorough and disturbance-free cleaning experience, enhancing your property’s appeal and longevity.
Roof Cleaning
Experience top-tier roof cleaning with PHD Exterior Cleaning. Our team of skilled power wash professionals is extensively trained, specializing in soft wash roof cleaning that effectively removes grime and debris without compromising your roofing materials. Prioritize the maintenance of your property by entrusting us to deliver thorough and gentle cleaning that ensures the longevity of your building and roofing. Whether for residential or commercial properties, our soft wash services guarantee tip-top roofing condition.
Gutter Cleaning
Safely eliminate dirt, algae, spider webs, moss, and more contaminants from your roof drainage with PHD Exterior Cleaning’s gutter cleaning service. Prevent the development of unsightly mildew and mold caused by buildup and avoid the time-consuming and risky task of cleaning gutters yourself. Our professionals ensure effective cleaning, safeguarding your property from structural damage, water issues, and pest infestations. Trust us for thorough maintenance and pressure washing of your gutters, guaranteeing optimal functionality and protection against water damage.
Deck, Patio, & Porch Cleaning
From decks to patios and porches, our comprehensive pressure cleaning maintains the allure of outdoor spaces. With professional residential pressure washing, we prioritize preserving your outdoor surfaces through thorough cleaning and wood sealing services, enhancing both longevity and aesthetics. PHD Exterior Cleaning specializes in revitalizing wooden decks, addressing wear and tear such as paint fading and wood grain issues. Our adept house washers remove accumulated buildup, ensuring your deck is primed for hosting gatherings.
Oil, Grease, & Trash Can Cleaning
Our specialized oil and grease cleaning effectively eliminates these slippery substances from surfaces frequently exposed to cars or industrial elements, ensuring a clean and safe area whether it’s your driveway or business establishment. Moreover, if you’re experiencing an unpleasant odor from your trash container, our efficient and timely cleaning services cater to both residential and business needs, providing comprehensive cleaning solutions that leave surfaces, including trash bins, refreshed and like new.
Driveway, Pavers, & Concrete Cleaning
PHD Exterior Cleaning’s specialized driveway pressure washing service will eliminate the gradual buildup of unsightly dirt, oil, and tire marks that mar the first impression of your home. Our meticulous attention ensures a spotless and inviting driveway for you and your guests. With a thorough application of high-pressure water, even the most stubborn grime hidden in concrete’s smallest crevices is effortlessly eradicated, enhancing your outdoor aesthetics and aligning with the care you invest in maintaining your home’s interior.
PHD Exterior Cleaning presents a solution to the challenge of construction debris accumulation, offering a comprehensive construction cleaning service to restore order to your property. Amidst the dust, materials, and waste from demolition, our diligent team ensures the removal and disposal of debris, transforming your site from chaos to clarity. Beyond aesthetics, we understand the safety implications and deploy experienced cleaners proficient in swift, careful cleaning that aligns with your construction timeline. Count on our service to enhance, not hinder, your workspace or home during and after the construction process.